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Exporting data from Loyalty Lion
Exporting data from Loyalty Lion
Exporting data from Loyalty Lion
Exporting data from Loyalty Lion

Upzelo Support
Customer export
How to export customers' data
Go to Customers
Click Export in the top right corner
Choose the email the export should be sent to
Check your mailbox :)

Customer export fields
When you perform a customer export from LoyaltyLion, you'll receive an email with a CSV file containing the following fields:
id: id of the customer in your store system (e.g. their Shopify or Magento id)
name: Full name of the customer, if we have it
email: Email address of the customer, if we have one
points_approved: The customer's current number of approved points. Approved points are those that are currently available to spend, and are not pending from a recent purchase
points_pending: Current number of pending points (i.e. those from a purchase that have not yet been approved).
points_spent: Current number of spent points (i.e. those redeemed on rewards). You can add all three-point totals together to get the customer's "lifetime" points.
loyalty_tier_name: Customer's current tier name, or blank if tiers are not active
loyalty_tier_position: The numeric position of the customer's current tier
loyalty_tier_spend: If tiers are enabled and are based on spend, this will be their current "countable" spend for the purpose of calculating their tier, i.e. their spend in the last 12 months (or until the date tiers were launched, whichever is sooner)
loyalty_tier_points: If tiers are enabled and based on points, this will be their current "countable" points for the purpose of calculating their tier, i.e. the sum of their earned approved points in the last 12 months (or until the date tiers were launched, whichever is sooner)
enrolled_at: Date this customer enrolled in the program, or blank if they are not currently enrolled
blocked: ''TRUE'' if this customer has been blocked from the program, ''FALSE'' if not
birthday: The customer's birthdate, if they have provided it to LoyaltyLion, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"
referral_url: The customer's unique referral URL
rewards_claimed: Total number of rewards claimed by this customer
receives_loyalty_emails: Boolean indicating if the customer receives emails. If this is false, then the customer has unsubscribed
Customer export
How to export customers' data
Go to Customers
Click Export in the top right corner
Choose the email the export should be sent to
Check your mailbox :)

Customer export fields
When you perform a customer export from LoyaltyLion, you'll receive an email with a CSV file containing the following fields:
id: id of the customer in your store system (e.g. their Shopify or Magento id)
name: Full name of the customer, if we have it
email: Email address of the customer, if we have one
points_approved: The customer's current number of approved points. Approved points are those that are currently available to spend, and are not pending from a recent purchase
points_pending: Current number of pending points (i.e. those from a purchase that have not yet been approved).
points_spent: Current number of spent points (i.e. those redeemed on rewards). You can add all three-point totals together to get the customer's "lifetime" points.
loyalty_tier_name: Customer's current tier name, or blank if tiers are not active
loyalty_tier_position: The numeric position of the customer's current tier
loyalty_tier_spend: If tiers are enabled and are based on spend, this will be their current "countable" spend for the purpose of calculating their tier, i.e. their spend in the last 12 months (or until the date tiers were launched, whichever is sooner)
loyalty_tier_points: If tiers are enabled and based on points, this will be their current "countable" points for the purpose of calculating their tier, i.e. the sum of their earned approved points in the last 12 months (or until the date tiers were launched, whichever is sooner)
enrolled_at: Date this customer enrolled in the program, or blank if they are not currently enrolled
blocked: ''TRUE'' if this customer has been blocked from the program, ''FALSE'' if not
birthday: The customer's birthdate, if they have provided it to LoyaltyLion, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"
referral_url: The customer's unique referral URL
rewards_claimed: Total number of rewards claimed by this customer
receives_loyalty_emails: Boolean indicating if the customer receives emails. If this is false, then the customer has unsubscribed
Customer export
How to export customers' data
Go to Customers
Click Export in the top right corner
Choose the email the export should be sent to
Check your mailbox :)

Customer export fields
When you perform a customer export from LoyaltyLion, you'll receive an email with a CSV file containing the following fields:
id: id of the customer in your store system (e.g. their Shopify or Magento id)
name: Full name of the customer, if we have it
email: Email address of the customer, if we have one
points_approved: The customer's current number of approved points. Approved points are those that are currently available to spend, and are not pending from a recent purchase
points_pending: Current number of pending points (i.e. those from a purchase that have not yet been approved).
points_spent: Current number of spent points (i.e. those redeemed on rewards). You can add all three-point totals together to get the customer's "lifetime" points.
loyalty_tier_name: Customer's current tier name, or blank if tiers are not active
loyalty_tier_position: The numeric position of the customer's current tier
loyalty_tier_spend: If tiers are enabled and are based on spend, this will be their current "countable" spend for the purpose of calculating their tier, i.e. their spend in the last 12 months (or until the date tiers were launched, whichever is sooner)
loyalty_tier_points: If tiers are enabled and based on points, this will be their current "countable" points for the purpose of calculating their tier, i.e. the sum of their earned approved points in the last 12 months (or until the date tiers were launched, whichever is sooner)
enrolled_at: Date this customer enrolled in the program, or blank if they are not currently enrolled
blocked: ''TRUE'' if this customer has been blocked from the program, ''FALSE'' if not
birthday: The customer's birthdate, if they have provided it to LoyaltyLion, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"
referral_url: The customer's unique referral URL
rewards_claimed: Total number of rewards claimed by this customer
receives_loyalty_emails: Boolean indicating if the customer receives emails. If this is false, then the customer has unsubscribed
Customer export
How to export customers' data
Go to Customers
Click Export in the top right corner
Choose the email the export should be sent to
Check your mailbox :)

Customer export fields
When you perform a customer export from LoyaltyLion, you'll receive an email with a CSV file containing the following fields:
id: id of the customer in your store system (e.g. their Shopify or Magento id)
name: Full name of the customer, if we have it
email: Email address of the customer, if we have one
points_approved: The customer's current number of approved points. Approved points are those that are currently available to spend, and are not pending from a recent purchase
points_pending: Current number of pending points (i.e. those from a purchase that have not yet been approved).
points_spent: Current number of spent points (i.e. those redeemed on rewards). You can add all three-point totals together to get the customer's "lifetime" points.
loyalty_tier_name: Customer's current tier name, or blank if tiers are not active
loyalty_tier_position: The numeric position of the customer's current tier
loyalty_tier_spend: If tiers are enabled and are based on spend, this will be their current "countable" spend for the purpose of calculating their tier, i.e. their spend in the last 12 months (or until the date tiers were launched, whichever is sooner)
loyalty_tier_points: If tiers are enabled and based on points, this will be their current "countable" points for the purpose of calculating their tier, i.e. the sum of their earned approved points in the last 12 months (or until the date tiers were launched, whichever is sooner)
enrolled_at: Date this customer enrolled in the program, or blank if they are not currently enrolled
blocked: ''TRUE'' if this customer has been blocked from the program, ''FALSE'' if not
birthday: The customer's birthdate, if they have provided it to LoyaltyLion, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"
referral_url: The customer's unique referral URL
rewards_claimed: Total number of rewards claimed by this customer
receives_loyalty_emails: Boolean indicating if the customer receives emails. If this is false, then the customer has unsubscribed
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© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved by Upzelo Limited.
© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved by Upzelo Limited.
© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved by Upzelo Limited.