Subscribe and save
Subscribe and save is a business model that allows customers to subscribe to products and services, which are automatically shipped on a regular basis. The customer pays a discounted price for these shipments, typically by committing to a certain number of shipments.
How subscribe and save works:
A customer selects a product from an online retailer’s website or store and places it into their cart.
They then choose the frequency with which they would like to receive shipments of that product (i.e., once every two months).
The retailer sends out the shipment at the specified time, which is often accompanied by a discount for signing up for the subscription service.
Subscribing to a product or service can be beneficial to both the customer and the seller. For example, an individual may subscribe to a monthly supply of coffee beans because he or she enjoys the coffee but does not want the hassle of buying coffee each week. Similarly, a company may offer subscriptions for its products in order to keep sales consistent throughout the year.