New customers

New customers


If you're like most companies, acquiring new customers is essential to your success. But what's even more important is understanding why those customers subscribed in the first place.

One way to do this is to analyse your new subscription customers. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or even simply looking at customer data. Once you have a good understanding of why your new customers subscribed, you can then start to focus on how to keep them engaged and ensure they remain subscribers for the long term.

This is an important process because it can help you to identify any potential issues that could cause customers to unsubscribe. It can also help you to fine-tune your marketing and retention strategies. So, if you're not already doing so, start analysing your new subscription customers today. It could be the key to unlocking your company's success.

How is New customers counted?

To calculate how many new customers your business has acquired in a given period, you’ll need to count new customer charges in the period where there was no previous charge for the customer in any previous period. If they do, they should be classified as reactivating customers.

The formula for calculating New customers is:New customers = ( Count of customers who were charged this month but not any previous month) x100

Why is New customers important to measure?

This is an important process because it can help you to identify any potential issues that could cause customers to unsubscribe. It can also help you to fine-tune your marketing and retention strategies.